Free Rent for Fair Review


Undangan Menulis: C2O menerima kiriman tulisan mengenai kegiatan dan buku/film/musik dari koleksi kami. Tulisan yang terpilih akan dipajang di situs C2O (, dan Anda akan mendapatkan gratis satu voucher peminjaman + satu eksemplar Ayorek! Journal #002.

  1. Jenis tulisan:
    – Ulasan/tinjauan (buku/film/musik)
    – Liputan kegiatan
    – Feature, opini, wawancara, profil
    – Terjemahan, dll.
  2. Panjang tulisan min. 400 kata, dengan memuat latar belakang dan isi karya sekaligus pendapat/pandangan pribadi penulis. Tulisan dapat dibuat dalam bahasa Indonesia, Inggris, dan/atau Jawa.
  3. Mohon tuliskan juga sumber acuan/kutipan dan foto ilustrasi (jika ada).
  4. Sertakan juga biodata singkat (termasuk email) penulis (maks. 50 kata).
  5. Kirimkan tulisan dan materi pendukung (gambar, foto, dsb.) ke:
  6. Bagi yang tulisannya dimuat akan mendapatkan: 1 voucher peminjaman gratis dari koleksi C2O.

Call for Submissions: C2O welcomes submissions related to our activities and collections (books/films/music). Selected writings will be published at our website, and  each contributor will receive one free borrowing voucher from our collection.

  1. Types of writings:
    – Review (book/film/music)
    – Event report (cinematheque, book launch, disucssion, etc.)
    – Feature (opinion, interviews, profile, etc.)
    – Translation
  2. Min. 400 words, containing both descriptive backgrounds and personal opinions. We accept writings in English, Indonesian or Javanese.
  3. Please include bibliographic references, quotes and illustrations/photos (if applicable).
  4. Please include a short biography (including email) (max 100 words).
  5. Please send only the sofcopy (and supporting documents, images, etc.) to:
  6. Selected submission(s) will receive: 1 free borrowing voucher.

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An independent library and a coworking community space. Aims to create a shared, nurturing space, along with the tools and resources for humans (and non-humans) for learning, working, and connecting with diverse communities and surrounding environment—for emancipatory, sustainable future. More info, visit: or email

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