Around the World in a Decade, Pt. 2

Melanjutkan sesi pertama Around the World in a Decade Januari lalu, kami kembali menghadirkan showcase film-film menarik dari penjuru dunia dalam dekade terakhir ini: Platform (Jia Zhang-ke, China), The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (Christi Puiu, Romania), Moolaadé (Ousmane Sembène, Senegal), dan Silent Light (Carlos Reygadas, Meksiko).

Mungkin film-film ini bukan film-film terbaik, tapi kami rasa patut untuk ditonton, walaupun mungkin susah  Anda temukan di bioskop atau rental DVD terdekat. Hanya empat dari ratusan film yang dibuat dalam satu dekade tentu saja tidak cukup; silahkan menulis versi Anda sendiri daftar film dengan mengisi formulir komentar di bawah ini.

Pemutaran berlangsung tiap Sabtu, 17.00, di C2O, Jl. Dr. Cipto 20 Surabaya 60264 (jalan kecil seberang Konjen Amerika — lihat peta), gratis dan terbuka untuk umum. Sinematek C2O merupakan program pemutaran film dengan tujuan berbagi dan bertukar referensi dari film-film yang diputar, tanpa bermaksud membatasi. Sumbangan dan sokongan dari penonton sangat kami hargai untuk memastikan kelangsungan program ini dan C2O. Dukung kami untuk membeli proyektor!

Dikarenakan cuaca yang tidak menentu, pemutaran akan dilakukan di dalam ruangan dalam TV kecil. Mohon maaf dan terima kasih atas pengertiannya.

5 Juni 2010 // Platform | Jia Zhang-ke

2000| Cina | 192 m| BW | 13+ | Bhs. Mandarin, teks Inggris

Di Fenyang, propinsi Shanxi, perubahan sosio-ekonomi besar-besaran tak ayal mempengaruhi satu grup teater kecil amatir, cerminan perubahan lebih besar yang terjadi pada populasi umum Cina. Dimulai di tahun 1979, grup tersebut menampilkan musik propaganda Mao Zhedong, dan berakhir di tahun 80an di mana mereka mementaskan musik pop Kanton dan pengaruh besar Barat.

12 Juni 2010 // The Death of Mr. Lazarescu | Cristi Puiu

2005| Romnia | 154 m | Warna| PG| Bhs. Romania, teks Inggris

Mr. Lazarescu, kakek tua alkoholik berusia 62 tahun, tinggal sendiri di apartemen kumuhnya bersama tiga ekor kucing. Tiba-tiba jatuh sakit, tetangga-tetangganya, dengan niatan baik, sibuk membantunya meskipun pada akhirnya lebih menyusahkannya. Saat bantuan paramedik datang, dia berpindah-pindah dari satu klinik ke klinik lainnya.

19 Juni 2010 // Moolaadé | Ousmane Sembene

2004| Senegal | 134 m| Warna | NR | Bhs Jula & Prancis, teks Inggris

Ketakutan menghadapi ritual mutilasi genital (female circumcision), di satu desa Afrika empat gadis muda melarikan diri ke rumah Collé Ardo Gallo Sy. Collé berpegang pada adat-istiadat moolaadé (hak perlindungan, sanctuary) untuk melindungi mereka, menimbulkan konflik dan memaksa penduduk untuk berpihak pada satu sisi. Ketegangan meningkat antara para tradisionalis (laki-laki & perempuan) dan Collé, membahayakan pernikahan putri Collé sendiri dengan putra mahkota suku.

26 Juni 2010 // Silent Light | Carlos Reygadas

2007 | Meksiko/Prancis| 132 m | Warna| SU | Plautdietsch, teks Inggris

Portret transgresi spiritual, kematian dan transfigurasi di komunitas Mennonit di Meksiko utara, Silent Light bercerita mengenai segitiga romantis klasik, dengan setting komunitas dan kepercayaan tradisional. (Dialog dalam film ini menggunakan dialek Jerman Medieval Plautdietsch.) Johan, seorang petani yang keras dan taat, suami Esther, berselingkuh secara terbuka dengan tetangganya, Marianne, yang dia percaya sebagai pasangan sejatinya.

This June we continue the 2nd part of Around the World in a Decade (see the first part here), a showcase of notable films from around the world made in the past ten years. (We can hear you screaming, OH GEEZ, that is so last year! But anyway.) This month’s winners: Platform (Jia Zhang-ke, China), The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (Christi Puiu, Romania), Moolaadé (Ousmane Sembène, Senegal), and Silent Light (Carlos Reygadas, Mexico).

Aye, maybe not the best, but films we consider worth watching that otherwise your hawklike radar might have missed. Four out of gazillion films produced in a decade is a rather paltry number, so feel free to write your own version of notable films in that comment form below.

Screenings are held every Saturday, 17.00 at C2O library, Jl. Dr. Cipto 20 Surabaya 60264 (across US General Consulate — view map), free and open for public. This screening programme is run independently with the purpose of introducing and sharing references and informations, not necessarily limited to films per se. Donations are most gratefully and lovingly welcome. We rely on your donations and support to ensure that we can continue this program for free and open for public, and of course, to procure our very own projector for your better viewing experience.

Please note that due to the rather fickle weather, we’ll be screening the films indoor in our small TV. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. (And yes, do your bit for the environment, eh? Eh?)

5 June 2010 // Platform | Jia Zhang-ke

2000| China | 192 m| BW | 13+ | Mandarin, English subs

Set in and around the small city of Fenyang, Shanxi province, China, from the end of 1970s to the beginning of 1990s. Fenyang was also the birthplace of director Jia Zhangke. The film is called “an epic of grassroots”. It follows a group of twenty-something performers as they face personal and societal changes.

12 Juni 2010 // The Death of Mr. Lazarescu | Cristi Puiu

2005 | Romnia | 154 m | Colour | PG| Romanian, English subs

Mr. Lazarescu (beautifully played by Ion Fiscuteanu, who recently died), a sixty-two-year-old alcoholic widower who lives alone in his grubby Bucharest flat with his three cats (his daughter has decamped for Toronto) suddenly feels very ill. The film’s first half hour plays like grim social comedy, as his neighbours bustle about, blithely offering bad advice and inappropriate palliatives (a bowl of moussaka “made with pork, not beef”) for his deteriorating condition. When a paramedic (the amazing Luminita Gheorghiu, familiar from Michael Haneke’s films) arrives to take him to the hospital, poor old Lazarescu begins a squalid odyssey from infirmary to infirmary, in search of someone who will give him the tests and attention he needs. Less a critique of the medical system than a teeming comédie humaine, Lazarescu offers a fresco of countless characters—haughty doctors, put-upon nurses, vexed patients, smart-ass lab technicians—all of them vividly rendered and splendidly acted.

19 Juni 2010 // Moolaadé | Ousmane Sembene

2004 | Senegal | 134 m| Colour | NR | Jula & French, English subs

Collé Gallo Ardo Sy, circumcised, takes her only daughter away from the Purification. In seven years four young girls are saved from the Purification = Circumcision and request Collé Ardo Sy the Moolaadé. The village is in turmoil: two values come head to head: the right to asylum and the ancient tradition of female circumcision.

26 Juni 2010 // Silent Light | Carlos Reygadas

2007 | Mexico/France | 132 m | Colour  | Plautdietsch, English subs

An austerely moving portrait of spiritual transgression, death, and transfiguration in a Mennonite community in northern Mexico. Shot in the pellucid, crisply articulating light that gives the film its title, Reygadas’ simple, rigorously limned tale centres on a romantic triangle, classic except for its singular setting, in this isolated community of deep and traditional faith. (The film is acted in the medieval German dialect of Plautdietsch.) The stern, virtuous farmer Johan, father of a blonde brood and husband to the long-suffering Esther, makes little secret of his passionate affair with a neighbour, Marianne, whom he believes to be his truer mate.

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