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Bob Ostertag | Social Enterprise | Damar Kurung | Urban Social Forum


Bob Ostertag (California, USA) World Tour

☞ Fri 11 December 2015, 18.30
Talk on Creative Life, the nexus of music, politics, and technology

☞ Sat 12 December 2015, 18.30

☞ Sun 13 December 2015
Workshop on music, distribution, and instruments

Composer, performer, instrument builder, journalist, activist, historian, kayak instructor—Bob Ostertag’s work cannot easily be summarized or pigeon-holed. He has published 21 CDs of music, 2 films, and 3 books, and appeared at music, film, and multimedia festivals around the globe. He’s visiting C2O as part of his world tour, and he will discuss his book, Creative Life: Art, Politics, People, Machines (University of Illinois Press, 2009), perform music, and give workshop on music distribution and instruments. As a journalist, his writings on contemporary politics have been published in many languages, including The Huffington Post. Electronic instruments of his own design are at the cutting edge of both music and video performance technology.

Born in Albuquerque in 1957, he dropped out of the Oberlin Conservatory after two years, settled in New York City in 1978 and immersed himself in the “downtown” music scene of the period. He left music in 1980/81 to work in Central America, and became an expert on the region, with writings published in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, and the U.S. In 1988 he moved to San Francisco and resumed his musical activity. His radically diverse collaborators have included the Kronos Quartet, avant garders John Zorn and Fred Frith, heavy metal star Mike Patton, jazz great Anthony Braxton, dyke punk rocker Lynn Breedlove, drag diva Justin Bond, film maker Pierre Hébert, and others. He is rumored to have connections to the shadowy media guerrilla group The Yes Men.

This event is part of his world tour. For complete world tour dates, please check Bob’s website.

Apa sih itu social enterprise, social entrepreneur? Bagaimana kewirausahaan dapat memperkuat/mendukung aktivitas atau pendampingan komunitas?

Sebagai bagian dari program The Skills for Social Enterpreneurs, British Council bekerja sama dengan C2O Library & Collabtive akan mengadakan Social Enterprise Training di Surabaya pada tanggal 16-18 Desember 2015. Dalam workshop ini, kita akan mempelajari teamwork, komunikasi, management, project-planning, dsb.

Gratis, tempat terbatas, harap mendaftar.
Cek info aplikasi dan pendaftaran di situs British Council Indonesia.
Tenggat pendaftaran: 10 Desember 2015

Damar Kurung: Dekade Sepeninggal Masmundari
☞  Jumat, 18 Desember 2015, pk. 18.30 – 20.30
C2O library & collabtive, Jl. Dr. Cipto 22

DamarKurung Festival merupakan sebuah kegiatan tahunan yang diselenggarakan untuk merayakan bulan ramadhan dengan membuat, memasang, mengkaji kembali nilai-nilai luhur tradisi DamarKurung Gresik. Memasuki tahun penyelenggaraan ke-5 Damar Kurung Fest tahun 2016 nanti, akan kembali digelar di 3 Kota, yaitu, Gresik, Surabaya dan Yogyakarta dengan mengusung Dekade Sepeninggal Masmundari.

Diselenggarakan sejak tahun 2012 hingga tahun 2015, DamarKurung Festival merajut antusias masyarakat untuk meneruskan tradisi memasang DamarKurung di teras rumah, menciptakan pengetahuan dan memproduksi karya baru DamarKurung melalui tugas akhir, disertasi, ragam karya seni kontemporer, serta workshop di sejumlah sekolah dan perguruan tinggi.

The 3rd Urban Social Forum
☞ Saturday, 19 December 2015
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945, Surabaya

The 3rd Urban Social Forum creates an open and inclusive space for civil society organizations, students, academics and social leaders from all over Indonesia to gather. The Urban Social Forum is an annual event that provides an opportunity for participants to debate ideas, exchange experiences and knowledge, and network with other leaders and organizations working on pressing urban issues throughout the country. At the end of the forum, there will be reflections and perspectives to face the new global agenda and Habitat III.

The event is organized by Kota Kita Foundation, in collaboration with many organizations, including C2O library & collabtive. C2O, along with our two projects–Ayorek! and Manic Street Walkers–will be part of panel 4, 11, and 17. Come and join us!

Free and open for public. To register, please visit/contact:
Paulista Surjadi : +62 8151-0046-907
Nisa Thamrin : +62 8564-1971-371
Email :

MSW Pusat Kota
☞ Minggu, 20 Desember 2015, 07.30
Meeting point: C2O library & collabtive
Jl. Dr. Cipto 22, Surabaya 60264

Rute: Kampung Keputran – Jalan Basuki Rahmat – Taman Apsari – Jalan Tunjungan – Pasar Genteng Baru – Genteng Candirejo


Undangan Terbuka: Program Residensi Dapur Komunitas Mendira
15 Januari – 15 April 2015, di Dusun Mendiro, Desa Panglungan, Jombang – Jawa Timur

Kesempatan ini terbuka bagi arsitek, praktisi seni, desain, dan teknik lingkungan yang ingin berkolaborasi dengan warga di Dusun Mendira, Jombang untuk mewujudkan dapur komunitas yang akan berdampingan dengan kebun agroekologi.

Peserta tidak diharuskan untuk selalu berada di Dusun Mendira namun dapat berkomitmen untuk menyelesaikan program pesanggarahan sesuai rencana awal. Tiga peserta residensi akan mendapat subsidi biaya selama periode pesanggrahan sebesar Rp. 5.000.000,- dan seluruh biaya pembuatan karya untuk dapur akan ditanggung oleh Holopis.

Para peserta akan dibantu oleh praktisi ahli: Yu Sing, Studio Akanoma, Bandung; Tukidul Yunondro, Komunitas Teknologi Tepat Guna (TeTeg), Yogyakarta; Hayu Dyah, Mantasa, Surabaya; dan Kelompok Perempuan Sumber Karunia Alam (KPSKA), Jombang

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