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Speakeasy #1


☞ Sunday, 1 May 2016, 4-6pm
By invitation only. Optional King’s Ocean dinner afterwards.
RSVP by 30 April:

Speakeasy is our experiment in casual, intimate gathering to share knowledge, experiences, tips, and gossips. Also to hone our articulation skills in English conversation and presentation. For our first session, the speakers will be sharing their experiences in Jakarta (Inacraft), Yogyakarta (Jagongan Media Rakyat), Oxford (Project Southeast Asia) and London (New Left Review, etc.).

The term “Speakeasy” was originally used to refer to illicit establishment selling alcoholic beverages (and others) during the Prohibition years. It was “so called because of the practice of speaking quietly about such a place in public, or when inside it, so as not to alert the police or neighbours.” To that we add another obvious addendum: Speak easy, it’s designed to increase openness of discussion. Allow yourself and others to experiment in a safe space more like a dress rehearsal rather than a formal forum for public; feel free to switch languages, make mistakes, dan nggado2 clemat-clemot; but do not lose your capacity for both openness and criticality in behind-the-scenes.

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