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ArtHouse Cinema | DBS-NUS Social Venture | Mengolah kombucha & sorgum

About a Woman
Sutradara: Teddy Soeriaatmadja, berwarna, 2015
☞ Rabu, 19 April 2017, 19.00 WIB
Wisma Jerman – Ruang Halle
Jl. Taman AIS Nasution 15 Surabaya
Gratis, terbuka untuk umum, silakan langsung datang

Film ini bercerita tentang seorang janda tua (Tutie Kirana), yang menemukan dirinya sendirian dan kesepian setelah kepergian pembantunya. Khawatir dengan ibunya, putri dan anaknya mengirm seorang pembantu bernama Abi (Rendy Ahmad) yang baru lulus SMA untuk menemaninya. Namun, sejak mereka tinggal bersama, Janda dan Abi perlahan mengembangkan ikatan kasih sayang. Dan hubungan itu antara janda dengan Abi yang merupakan keponakan dari menantunya.

Workshop Driving Social Innovation
☞ Sabtu, 6 Mei 2017, pk. 8.30 – 17.30
C2O library & collabtive, Jl. Dr. Cipto 22 Surabaya

The DBS-NUS Social Venture Challenge (SVC) Asia aims to identify passionate aspiring and early stage entrepreneurs, who have innovative business solutions to solve social issues and create positive and sustainable social impact in Asia. This year, up to 2 teams from the Idea category and up to 6 teams from the Enterprise category will be awarded with prize money, in total worth over SGD 150,000. Both DBS Foundation and NUS Enterprise will provide 6 months of post-competition support for the finalist teams, such as matching you with meaningful mentors, as well as relevant incubation support with us or our country partners.

Tertarik tapi bingung atau keder mendaftar? UnLtd Indonesia sebagai mitra resmi DBS-NUS dalam acara ini mengadakan workshop untuk membantu persiapan di Jakarta (27 April 2017), Yogyakarta (3 Mei 2017), dan di Surabaya pada 6 Mei di C2O. Workshop ini gratis, tapi tempat terbatas. Cek website Social Venture Challenge (SVC) Asia dan UnLtd Indonesia untuk mempersiapkan diri Anda, serta nantikan info pendaftaran workshopnya di C2O.

Kelas meramu kombucha dan mengolah sorgum
C2O library & collabtive, Jl. Dr. Cipto 22 Surabaya
Minggu, 7 Mei 2017
☞ 10.00 – 14.30: kelas sorgum
☞ 15.00 – 17.00: kelas kombucha

Info & pendaftaran:
Ratu 081931057654

– Paket kelas sorgum: Rp. 300.000 (termasuk whole-grain sorgum, tepung sorgum, dan makan siang)
– Paket kelas kombucha: Rp. 225.000 (termasuk coffee break, SCOBY, teh hijau organik)
– Paket gabungan 2 kelas: Rp. 500.000

Internet is becoming very vital to our work and life—for coordinating actions, gaining wider reach, etc—but it is also a crucial tool and a space for surveillance, harassment, and punishment. How do we develop inclusive approaches to privacy and digital security? One of our team members has been selected to participate in Gender & Technology Institute by Tactical Tech Collective, an international group of technologists, activists, designers and practitioners based in Berlin, who work with citizens, journalists and activists to demystify and promote technology, raise awareness about personal data, privacy and digital security. Check the website for guides, resources, etc.


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