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Buster Keaton Double Bill

Sherlock Jr. | Buster Keaton, 1924

Sinematek C2O kini kembali dengan Buster Keaton. Datang dan bergabung dengan kami untuk malam penuh komedi dan tawa! Mohon perhatikan bahwa jam pemutaran kini kembali menjadi 17.00, terimakasih.
Sinematek C2O . Jl. Dr. Cipto 20, Surabaya 60264 . 17.00 . Gratis dan terbuka untuk umum

Our Hospitality
U. S. | 75 mins | B&W | 1.33:1 | with English intertitles | NR

Boleh dibilang sebagai bentuk awal karya Keaton yang paling terkenal, The General, di Our Hospitality Keaton memerankan seorang pria New York yang kembali ke tanah asalnya untuk kemudian mendapatkan dirinya terperangkap dalam perseteruan lama antara keluarganya dan wanita yang dicintainya. Plot yang tampak sederhana ini disajikan dengan berbagai macam kejutan dan humor visual yang menggelitik.

Sherlock Jr.
U.S. | 1924 | B&W | 44 mins | 1.33:1 | with English intertitles | NR

Sebuah dramatisasi piawai tentang petualangan seseorang projeksionis film yang lembek menjadi detektif handal dan penuh percaya diri dengan meloncat memasuki film dalam mimpinya, Sherlock Jr. menampilkan plot yang padat, stunt yang memukau sekaligus eksplorasi medium sinema dan realita yang mengasyikkan.

Joseph Frank “Buster” Keaton VI (October 4, 1895 – February 1, 1966) adalah aktor dan pembuat film komedi Amerika. Terkenal dengan film bisu komedi fisikal dengan wajah tak berekspresi (atau malah “pasrah”?), ia juga dikenal sebagai “The Great Stone Face“.

After a long break C2O Cinémathèque is now back with Buster Keaton. Come and join us for a double bill of slapstick and thrill! Please note that we’re now back at aour usual 17.00 schedule, not 18.00. Thanks!

C2O Cinémathèque . Jl. Dr. Cipto 20, Surabaya 60264 . 17.00 . Free & open for public

Our Hospitality
U. S. | 75 mins | B&W | 1.33:1 | with English intertitles | NR

In many ways a companion piece to his 1926 classic The General, Our Hospitality stars Keaton as a New York man who returns to his southern antebellum homeland to find himself embroiled in a longstanding feud between his family and that of the woman he loves.

What might have been an ordinary comedy of manners is transformed into a spectacle of visual surprises, with no farcicial opportunity left unexploited. The sequence in which Buster travels southward by rinky-dink locomotive is a most sublime example of the director’s craft — a truly astonishing series of comic vignettes that represents but a tiny portion of the extraordinary talent that characterizes the Art of Buster Keaton.

Sherlock Jr.
U.S. | 1924 | B&W | 44 mins | 1.33:1 | with English intertitles | NR

Perhaps no other film offers as exciting a rollercoaster ride through the golden age of comedy than Buster Keaton’s Sherlock Jr. Dramatizing the uprorious exploits of a meek theater projectionist turned amateur sleuth, the film blends the knockabout physical comedy normally associated with more subtly crafted moments of humor — such as the sequence in which Buster leaps through the silver screen and lands in the midst of the action.

Packed within its modest 45 minutes is enough comic material for several ordinary features, but Keaton chooses to compress it all into a dazzling display of cinematic inventiveness that races along like the driver-less motorcycle hurtling through a traffic-clogged city in the film’s unforgettable climax — with a stone-faced Buster perched obliviously on the handlebars.

Joseph Frank “Buster” Keaton VI (October 4, 1895 – February 1, 1966) was an American comic actor and filmmaker. Best known for his silent films, his trademark was physical comedy with a consistently stoic, deadpan expression, earning him the nickname “The Great Stone Face”.

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