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Pre-order Digital Indonesia

Selama 4 – 24 Agustus 2017, C2O membuka layanan pre-order (PO) buku “Digital Indonesia: Connectivity & Divergence”

HARGA: Rp260.000*, tidak termasuk ongkos kirim dari Surabaya.
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Setelah masa PO selesai, kami akan memesan buku secara langsung ke penerbit. Buku pesanan akan dibawa dari Singapura dan akan dikirimkan dari C2O (Surabaya) mulai tanggal 30 Agustus 2017.

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– dikirimkan (DELIVERY) ke alamat pos, dengan tambahan ongkos kirim, atau
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DIGITAL INDONESIA: Connectivity & Divergence
Edited by Edwin Jurriëns, & Ross Tapsell
With contributions by Yanuar Nugroho, Agung Hikmat, Emma Baulch, Ross Tapsell, Onno W. Purbo, Usman Hamid, Budi Rahardjo, John Postil, Kurniawan Saputro, Martin Slama, Nava Nuraniyah, Kathleen Azali, Edwin Jurriëns, Mari Pangestu, Grace Dewi, Bede Moore, Michele Ford, Vivian Honan

Published in Singapore by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), 2017

This book places Indonesia at the forefront of the global debate about the impact of “disruptive” digital technologies. Digital technology is fast becoming the core of life, work, culture and identity. Yet, while the number of Indonesians using the internet has followed the upward global trend, some groups — the poor, the elderly, women, the less well-educated, people living in remote communities — are disadvantaged.

This interdisciplinary collection of essays by leading researchers and scholars, as well as e-governance and e-commerce insiders, examines the impact of digitalisation on the media industry, governance, commerce, informal sector employment, education, cybercrime, terrorism, religion, artistic and cultural expression, and much more. It presents groundbreaking analysis of the impact of digitalisation in one of the worlds most diverse, geographically vast nations. In weighing arguments about the opportunities and challenges presented by digitalisation, it puts the very idea of a technological revolution into critical perspective.

* Original price: Rp.378.000 di Periplus, dan SGD35.90 di ISEAS.

C2O library & collabtive
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