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17 October 2008 – Opening & Animation Screenings
Pembukaan 24 Hour Comics Day sehari sebelumnya dengan pemutaran animasi lokal: “Penthil Penthol 2: Hantu Museum” (Wiryadi Dharmawan), “Kapit Tosan 2” (Tosan Priyonggo), “Gatotkaca dan Grammar (Ikin). Sayang sekali karena kesalahan teknis, animasi Kame tidak dapat diputar. Film lain yang ditayangkan: Film-film pendek INFIS, animasi pendek Osamu Tezuka, Wind Rider Studio’s trailers (Wind Rider, Knights of Apocalypse).
Oleh Tosan Priyonggo P.
Oleh Wiryadi Dharmawan (Wawan)
Film-film ini akan diputar di C2O Movie Station Oktober 21-30, 2008.
18 October 2008 – 24 Hour Comics Day
Membuat 24 halaman komik dalam 1 grup.
ID tags dari Outline Studio
Kudos untuk semua komikus yang tetap semangat menggambar meskipun rame dan panas banget… (45 derajat)….
Dimas yang langsung meluncur kemari setelah wisuda, dan selesai 2 jam lebih cepat….
Datang jauh2 dari Malang….
Malem-malem cari ide….
Kopi, pocari, teh, dll. peneman begadang
Tinggal beberapa jam lagi…
Great bloody pages, by the way.
Yang udah selesai makan pagi duluan…
11 dari 16 naskah selesai komplet 24 halaman, selamat! Kami akan memajang beberapa halaman komik di dari tanggal 21-30 Oktober 2008 di C2O. Silahkan datang untuk melihat jerih payah mereka.
Didukung oleh:
Jawa Pos (Metropolis) 19 October 2008
Suara Surabaya 18 October 2008
Surya 19 October 2008
17 October 2008 – Opening & Animation Screenings
A pre-24HCD opening and screening was held the night before, with a number of premiere screenings of local animations: “Penthil Penthol 2: Hantu Museum” (Wiryadi Dharmawan), “Kapit Tosan 2” (Tosan Priyonggo), “Gatotkaca dan Grammar (Ikin). Unfortunately due to technical error, Kame’s animations cannot be screened. Other movies played: A few shorts by INFIS, Osamu Tezuka’s short animations, Wind Rider Studio’s trailers (Wind Rider, Knights of Apocalypse).
by Tosan Priyonggo P.
by Wiryadi Dharmawan (Wawan)
These movies will be available at C2O Movie Station from October 21-30, 2008.
18 October 2008 – 24 Hour Comics Day
Doing 24 pages in a group of four.
ID tags done by Outline Studio (see some resemblance?)
Kudos to all these 18 artists who keep going despite the crowded space and sweltering hot weather, Surabaya 45 degrees.
Right after his graduation, our beloved Dimas. 2 hours late and finished 2 hours early.
Came all the way from Malang.
Going through the night
After dozens of cuppas and pocaris…
A few more hours…
Great bloody pages, by the way.
Some finishing before the deadline
11 out of 16 managed to complete 24 pages. Congrats! We’ll be displaying some sample pages of the comics from October 21-30, 2008 at C2O. Do drop by and check them out!
Kindly supported by:
Jawa Pos (Metropolis) 19 October 2008
Suara Surabaya 18 October 2008
Surya 19 October 2008