Change in Overdue Fine & Loan Renewal Policy / Perubahan Sistem Denda dan Pembaruan

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Denda Keterlambatan
Berlaku dari Jumat, 1 Oktober 2010, denda keterlambatan berubah menjadi Rp.500/hari untuk tiap materi yang dipinjam (buku/majalah/jurnal dsb.). Materi-materi yang dipinjam sebelum tanggal 1 Oktober 2010 tetap menggunakan sistem denda lama.

Perpanjangan Sewa (Loan Renewal)
Jika materi sedang tidak dipesan, jangka sewa materi dapat diperpanjang maksimum 1 kali dengan membayar lagi biaya sewa (2 x biaya sewa => 2 x 14 hari).
Anggota dapat memperpanjang periode sewa saat meminjam, membawa materi yang dipinjam ke meja sirkulasi C2O, atau telpon ke (031) 77525216 sebelum tanggal jatuh kembali.

Sistem baru ini memberi:
1) keringanan harga lebih murah untuk buku-buku tebal yang seringnya berharga sewa lebih mahal, padahal memerlukan waktu lebih lama untuk diselesaikan, dan
2) kemudahan administrasi dan perhitungan denda.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi: Terima kasih!

Late fine

From Friday, October 1, 2010 onwards, overdue fine for every late item would be IDR 500/day. This new tariff does not apply to items borrowed before October 1, 2010.

Loan Renewal Policy

Unless they have been requested by another borrower, items on loan may be renewed once by paying another rental fee ( 2 x rental fee => 2 x 14-day loan period).  Borrower can renew his/her item in advance upon borrowing, or bring the item in person to the circulation desk, or call (031) 77525216 before the due date. Please  take note of the library opening hours first!

This new system will:
1) make it easier to borrow thicker, generally higher-priced books that certainly need longer time to finish, so no more excuses for not reading those tomes!
2) give all of us more efficient administration and calculation of overdue fines

Per usual, we at c2o lovingly welcome any comment and suggestions: email us at what you think about this new system. Thank you! :-)

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