Desember ini kami akan memutar film adaptasi dari buku: Oeroeg, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and Doctor Zhivago.
Pemutaran berlangsung tiap Sabtu, 17.00, di C2O, Jl. Dr. Cipto 20 Surabaya 60264 (jalan kecil seberang Konjen Amerika — lihat peta), gratis dan terbuka untuk umum. Sinematek C2O merupakan program pemutaran film dengan tujuan berbagi dan bertukar referensi dari film-film yang diputar, tanpa bermaksud membatasi. Sumbangan dan sokongan dari penonton sangat kami hargai untuk memastikan kelangsungan program ini dan C2O.
Dikarenakan musim hujan, pemutaran akan dilakukan di dalam ruangan dalam TV kecil. Mohon perhatiannya bahwa tidak ada pemutaran tanggal 26 Desember 2009 dan 2 Januari 2010. Mohon maaf dan terima kasih atas pengertiannya.
dir. Hans Hylkema
written by Hella S. Haasse (novel) & Trevor Griffiths
1993 | Indonesia / Belgium / Netherlands | 114m | Colour | in Dutch & Indonesian with English subtitles
5 Desember 2009
Tahun 1948, novelis Hella Haasse menerbitkan sebuah novel berdasarkan pengalamannya tumbuh besar di Indonesia. Oeroeg menceritakan dilema mereka yang terperangkap dalam ketegangan antara dilema pretensi budaya “tinggi” Belanda dan respek terhadap penduduk setempat. Dalam cerita ini, Johan (Rik Launspach), seorang anak laki-laki Eropa yang tumbuh besar di perkebunan bersama teman baiknya, bocah Indonesia bernama Oeroeg (Martin Schwab). Johan yang awalnya tidak menyadari jurang yang memisahkan merika perlahan-lahan mulai menyadarinya saat dia kembali belajar di Belanda. Ketika dia kembali pulang, sebagai bala tentara untuk memadamkan pergolakan melawan Belanda. Johan tidak hanya harus melawan Indonesia, dan tertekan dengan rasisme sesama temannya, tapi dia juga mendapati bahwa teman baiknya ternyata adalah pimpinan gerakan yang harus dia hancurkan. ~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide.
PS: Oeroeg, the novel, has recently been published by KPG in Indonesian.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
dir. Blake Edwards
written by Truman Capote (novel) & George Axelrod (screenplay)
1961 | USA | 115m | Colour | In English with English subs
12 Desember 2009
Penulis Paul Varjak pindah ke apartemen di New York dan perlahan tertarik dengan tetangganya, Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn). Gaya hidup Holly membingungkan sekaligus menarik Paul; di depan umum dia tampil seksi, percaya diri dan anggun, sementara saat berdua dia berubah menjadi rapuh, manis dan neurotik.
PS: Breakfast at Tiffany’s, the novel, has been published in Indonesia by Serambi. – IMDB
Doctor Zhivago
dir. David Lean
written by Boris Pasternak (novel) & Robert Bolt (screenplay)
1965 | USA / UK | 197m | Colour | 2.20:1 | In Russian & English with English subs
19 Desember 2009
Epik Rusia yang menceritakan kehidupan dokter bedah dan penyair Yury Zhivago (Omar Sharif) dari sebelum sampai sesudah revolusi. Menikah dengan wanita kelas atas yang setia padanya, tapi jatuh cinta pada Lara (Julie Christie), Zhivago terperangkap antara kesetiaan dan hasrat. Simpatik pada revolusi tapi tertekan dengan perang dan kekerasan, dia berusaha untuk mempertahankan individualismenya sebagai humanis dalam spirit kolektivisme. -IMDB
PS: We have the book in our Fiction & Literature section.
This December we bring you a selection of films adapted from books: Oeroeg, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and Doctor Zhivago.
Screenings are held every Saturday, 17.00 at C2O library, Jl. Dr. Cipto 20 Surabaya 60264 (across US General Consulate — view map), free and open for public. This screening programme is run independently with the purpose of introducing and sharing references and informations, not necessarily limited films per se. Donations are most gratefully and lovingly welcome. We rely on your donations and support to ensure that we can continue this program for free and open for public.
Please note that due to the rainy season, we’ll be screening the films indoor in our small TV. There will be no screening on December 26, 2009 and January 2, 2010 due to Christmas holidays. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
dir. Hans Hylkema
written by Hella S. Haasse (novel) & Trevor Griffiths
1993 | Indonesia / Belgium / Netherlands | 114m | Colour | in Dutch & Indonesian with English subtitles
5 December 2009
In 1948, novelist Hella Haasse published a novel based on her experiences in growing up in Dutch Indonesia. Oeroeg captures the dilemma of those caught between the pretensions and culture of their Dutch homeland and their respect and affection for the native people of the colonies, and it has became a classic, with many editions printed. In this story, Johan (Rik Launspach), a European boy grows up on a plantation running and playing with his best friend, the son of the foreman, a native boy called Oeroeg (Martin Schwab). He is only barely aware of the gulf that divides them, but gradually becomes more aware of it as he leaves to study back in the Netherlands. When he comes home, it is as a soldier in the army, who are in Indonesia to put down the local independence movement. Not only is Johan grieved to be taking arms against Indonesians in general, and distressed at the racism of his colleagues, but he has reason to believe that his old friend is now a leader in the forces he is obliged to fight. He goes on a mission into the jungle to find him. ~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide.
PS: Oeroeg, the novel, has recently been published by KPG in Indonesian.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
dir. Blake Edwards
written by Truman Capote (novel) & George Axelrod (screenplay)
1961 | USA | 115m | Colour | In English with English subs
12 December 2009
Struggling writer Paul Varjak moves into a New York apartment building and becomes intrigued by his pretty, quirky neighbor Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn). Holly’s lifestyle confuses and fascinates Paul; in public she flits through parties with a sexy, sophisticated air, but when they’re alone she changes into a sweetly vulnerable bundle of neuroses.
PS: Breakfast at Tiffany’s, the novel, has been published by Serambi. – IMDB
Doctor Zhivago
dir. David Lean
written by Boris Pasternak (novel) & Robert Bolt (screenplay)
1965 | USA / UK | 197m | Colour | 2.20:1 | In Russian & English with English subs
19 December 2009
A Russian epic, the movie traces the life of surgeon-poet Yury Zhivago (Omar Sharif) before and during the Russian Revolution. Married to an upper-class girl who is devoted to him, yet in love with an unfortunate woman (Julie Christie) who becomes his muse, Zhivago is torn between fidelity and passion. Sympathetic with the revolution but shaken by the wars and purges, he struggles to retain his individualism as a humanist amid the spirit of collectivism. -IMDB
PS: We have the book in our Fiction & Literature section.