
Sabtu 22 Oktober 2011, pk. 17.00
Perpustakaan C2O, Jl. Dr. Cipto 20 Surabaya 60264

Kanya (VRY)
Marsha (kimilatta)
Ariani Widagdo (Arva School)
Era Hermawan (Tempat Biasa)
Alek Kowalsky (Ore Premium Store, allthethingsivedone)
Felkiza Vinanda (Surabaya Fashion Carnival)
Camomile Nungki (house of laksmi)

Linartha Darwis

DIY Talk hari ke 6 memecahkan rekor jumlah panelis terbanyak serta komplit dari berbagai aspek fashion. Mulai dari perancang fashion, aksesoris, blogger, retailer, dan akademisi, semua panelis disini memiliki passion yang sama terhadap dunia fashion. Simak dialog mereka dalam upaya merangkai infrastruktur fashion di Surabaya

DIY Screening: Bill Cunningham: New York (2010)

A cinematic profile of the noted veteran New York City fashion photographer.Cunningham’s enormous body of work is more reliable than any catwalk as an expression of

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