Animation Fest

Semua film di bawah ini tersedia untuk ditonton di Movie Station kami tanggal 21-31 Oktober 2008. Silahkan memesan DVD yang ingin kamu tonton dari staf kami, Mba Yuli, dan kembalikan DVDnya setelah selesai menonton dalam kondisi yang sama seperti kamu meminjamnya. Karena kami hanya mempunyai satu Movie Station, mohon untuk membatasi tontonan untuk 1 DVD saja jika ada orang lain yang menunggu. Terimakasih dan selamat menonton!

All these movies are available for viewing at our Movie Station on October 21-31. Please ask for the DVD from our friendly staff, Mba Yuli, and return them in the same condition you borrow them. We only have one movie station so please be considerate and limit your viewing to one DVD if others are waiting. Thanks and happy viewing!

Petualangan Penthil & Penthol 2: Hantu Museum

by Wiryadi Dharmawan (Wawan)

Email :
TTL : Surabaya 8 November 1975

Biography :
Menggeluti animasi sejak kecil. Mulai produksi tahun 1994 bersama tim di PT Index (Hela Heli Helo 6 episode). Sampai sekarang masih produktif di Animasi, kebanyakan untuk festival-festival nasional.

Portfolio :

  • 2008 Video klip The Titans animated (animator)
  • 2007 Profil program ASEAN 2015 (animator)
  • 2008 Opening liburan seru (animator)

Gatotkaca Studio

Kapit 1 & 2 (Kompilasi Animasi Tosan)

by Tosan Priyonggo P. (Tosan)

Email :
TTL : Surabaya 2 April 1981
Studi : S1 Desain Grafis ITS
Komunitas : CAZLORDA

Porftolio :

  • – GEGAS 1 – 3
  • – SEREM 1 – 3
  • – KIMERU
  • – KAPIT 1 & 2

Collected Animated Shorts

Compiled from C2O Cinematheque archive:

  • Duck Amuck (Chuck Jones, 1953)A surreal animated cartoon starring Daffy Duck, who is tormented by a sadistic, unseen animator (later revealed to be his friend and rival Bugs Bunny) who constantly changes Daffy’s location, clothing, voice, physical appearance, and even shape. Pandemonium reigns throughout the cartoon as Daffy attempts to steer the action back to some kind of normality, only for the animator to either ignore him or, more frequently, to over-literally interpret his increasingly frantic demands.In 1994 it was voted #2 of The 50 Greatest Cartoons of all time by members of the animation field, and was included on Looney Tunes Golden Collection: Volume 1. It was so popular that a Nintendo DS game was made after it.
  • Gerald McBoing-Boing (Robert Cannon, 1950)The winner of the 1950 Academy Award for Best Animated Short, Gerald McBoing-Boing is the story of a little boy who speaks through sound effects instead of spoken words. It was adapted by Phil Eastman and Bill Scott from a story by Dr. Seuss, and directed by Robert Cannon.
  • Miest Kinooperatora / The Cameraman’s Revenge (Wladislaw Starewicz, 1911)Starewicz’ story of a cheating wife and husband and the jilted cameraman who films the husband’s affair is acted out by bugs. The bug models were so realistic that, when this film was viewed in America, Americans thought that the Russians had trained live bugs to perform in it. It is much, much ahead of its time, and the story and animation are still wonderful by today’s standards.Google Vide:
  • Sisyphus (Marcell Jankovics, 1974)An artistically sparce depiction of the Greek myth of Sysiphus, sentenced to eternally roll a stone up a mountain. The story is presented in a single, unbroken shot, consisting of a dynamic line drawing of Sysiphus, the stone, and the mountainside
  • Broken Down Film (Osamu Tezuka, 1985)A cowboy seeks to rescue, then woo, a damsel in distress. But he is constantly thwarted by the scratches, breaks, and other imperfections present in the film print itself.
  • Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (J. Stuart Blackton, 1906)A silent cartoon featuring a cartoonist drawing faces on a chalkboard, and the faces coming to life. It is generally regarded as the first animated film. It features movements as where a dog jumps through a hoop, a scene which actually uses cutout animation made to look like chalk outlines. The film moves at 20 frames per second.In fact the first pictured movie was from Frenchman Émile Reynaud, who created praxynoscope, animation system of 12 pictures, and films of about 500~600 pictures, projected on its own théatre optique, system near from modern film projector, at Musée Grévin in Paris, France, the October 28, 1892.
  • The Tell-Tale Heart (Ted Parmelee, 1953)Adapted from Edgar Allen Poe’s story, The Tell-Tale Heart is a story about psychosis. The unseen and unnamed narrator (voiced with by James Mason) relates how he took care of an unnamed old man, who was pleasant enough but had one bad eye, turned milky white. The narrator sees the eye, as he says, his voice suddenly rising, “everywhere and in everything!” He abruptly catches himself, and speaks with icy calm: “Of course, I had to get rid of the eye.” What follows is murder and concealment, but it soon becomes apparent that this was merely the beginning of the narrator’s descent into madness. When constables come around to investigate the noise, they never discover the body in the floorboards—but then the narrator imagines he hears the old man’s heart beating…The pleasure of The Tell-Tale Heart is its trifecta of story, narration and visuals. While UPA had been pushing the modern style for a decade, they had never cut loose and applied it to outright drama. Here, the angular, asymmetrical designs, sharply delineated shadows, textured backgrounds and stylized movement reinforced the perspective of the narrator’s unhinged mind. There’s little in the way of animated flourishes; except for the sudden brutality of the old man’s murder, everything moves at a pace as measured as Mason’s narration. Like Hitchcock, director Ted Parmelee knew that creeping dread and suspense, punctuated by moments of violence and surprise, were the best heart-stoppers.
  • L’homme sans ombre (Georges Schwizgebel, 2004)What bother dragging around one’s shadow? A man agrees to a pact with a magician and swaps his shadow for riches. He soon discovers that the absence of a shadow can be a humiliating handicap. After fleeing to the far corners of the earth, he ends up in Bali, in a theatre of shadow puppets, where he discovers the true worth of shadows. Swiss filmmaker Georges Schwizgebel animates this adaptation of Adelbert von Chamisso’s The Strange Story of Peter Schlemil (1814), a fantastic tale inspired by Goethe’s Faust. His film L’homme sans ombre is a reflection upon human nature and an allegory celebrating the magic of performance. Virtuoso Georges Schwizgebel’s images are wonderfully mobile and textured, his composition formally elegant. (Each cel is freshly repainted with the characters and settings.) He is a master conjurer whose images become a bewitching choreography. The animator’s eye guides the painter’s hand, and vice versa. A film without words.
  • Meat Love (Jan Svankmajer, 1989)Another quirky short by Czech master of stop-motion
  • Vincent (Tim Burton, 1982)Young Vincent Malloy dreams of being just like Vincent Price and loses himself in macabre daydreams which annoys his mother.


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One Reply to “Animation Fest”

  1. Tersedia juga Control directed by anton corbijn,salah satu film di europe on screen dan tidak diputar di surabaya hanya di jakarta.Sebuah autobiografi seorang legenda musik manchester Ian Curtis duka dan ironi,heart and soul semuanya bisa ditemukan disini,sebuah kisah tragis dari seorang kekasih,ayah,teman dan pelopor.Ikon musik postpunk revival yang telah diketahui mempengaruhi Interpol,Bloc Party,dan The Killers bahkan U2.Hanya di C2O

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